Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Holidays are here!

I love the holiday season! It starts with the Ingathering which we usually do pretty well. But then comes Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years, not to mention birthdays. What a fun time!
I don’t think we have to pay for having so much fun, but if we aren’t deliberate in our food choices we will pay the price. You probably already know what I’m about to say. Yep.... Let’s control our eating. 

Pamela's apple carving.

If you don’t take time to think about it you will overindulge and you won’t pay attention to what your children are eating. Remember last years’ coughing sickness that lasted for months? I don’t think we have to be so sick this winter. We have additional motivation to stay healthy for the sake of Shammah’s family while he goes through stem cell transplant and compromised immunity. Even though you may not be in contact with Shammah you will be around his family and others who will be seeing him frequently. We can put into practice all we have learned about preventing the spread of germs this season.  

The most important things to remember are: 

1. Eat sweets in moderation. Moderation means 80/20 with the 80% of everything you eat in a day being healthy foods and 20% of everything you eat being fun foods. Don’t get confused and do the opposite 20/80, if you know what I meanJ I don't mean you shouldn't eat anything sweet. What I do mean is small amounts, less frequently. Too much sugar will weaken your immune system.

2. WASH YOUR HANDS FREQUENTLY! The single most important way to decrease the spread of germs that cause sickness is frequent hand washing.

3. Teach little ones how to keep their germs to themselves. Two year olds and under are human petri dishes. You have to help them keep their hands and noses clean. Wash your hands after you help them.

4. Take immune building herbs like Immuplex, echinachea, and kid e immune.

5. Keep each other accountable.

Happy Healthy Holidays!!  
Eat well, Feel good!

This is the market place in Nakuru, Kenya


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